Univer Sheet
Advanced Usage
Extending UI

Extending UI

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Adding Menu Items

In Univer, both the top toolbar menu and the right-click menu can be extended by writing plugins. Below, we will introduce how to use IMenuManagerService in the dependency injection system to register menu items.

1. Plugin Environment

Make sure you have a basic understanding of the plugin mechanism and have created a plugin using @univerjs/create-cli (opens in a new tab).

First, construct a controller class to register menu item commands, menu item icons, and menu item configurations.

// src/plugin/controllers/custom-menu.controller.ts
@OnLifecycle(LifecycleStages.Steady, CustomMenuController)
export class CustomMenuController extends Disposable {
    @Inject(Injector) private readonly _injector: Injector,
    @ICommandService private readonly _commandService: ICommandService,
    @IMenuManagerService private readonly _menuManagerService: IMenuManagerService,
    @Inject(ComponentManager) private readonly _componentManager: ComponentManager,
  ) {
   * register commands
  private _initCommands(): void { }
   * register icon components
  private _registerComponents(): void { }
   * register menu items
  private _initMenus(): void { }

Register this controller in the plugin.

// src/plugin/plugin.ts
export class UniverSheetsCustomMenuPlugin extends Plugin {
  static override type = UniverInstanceType.UNIVER_SHEET;
  static override pluginName = SHEET_CUSTOM_MENU_PLUGIN;
    @Inject(Injector) protected readonly _injector: Injector
  ) {
  override onStarting(injector: Injector): void {
    ] as Dependency[]).forEach((d) => injector.add(d));

2. Menu Item Commands

Before registering the menu, you need to construct a Command, which will be executed when the menu is clicked.

// src/plugin/commands/operations/single-button.operation.ts
export const SingleButtonOperation: ICommand = {
  id: 'custom-menu.operation.single-button',
  type: CommandType.OPERATION,
  handler: async (accessor: IAccessor) => {
    alert('Single button operation');
    return true;

Register this Command with ICommandService.

// src/plugin/controllers/custom-menu.controller.ts
private _initCommands(): void {
  ].forEach((c) => {

3. Menu Item Icons

If your menu item needs an icon, you also need to register the icon in advance.

First, construct an icon tsx component.

// src/plugin/components/button-icon/ButtonIcon.tsx
export function ButtonIcon() {
  return (
    <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 24 24">
      <path fill="currentColor" d="M12 2c5.523 0 10 4.477 10 10s-4.477 10-10 10S2 17.523 2 12S6.477 2 12 2m.16 14a6.981 6.981 0 0 0-5.147 2.256A7.966 7.966 0 0 0 12 20a7.97 7.97 0 0 0 5.167-1.892A6.979 6.979 0 0 0 12.16 16M12 4a8 8 0 0 0-6.384 12.821A8.975 8.975 0 0 1 12.16 14a8.972 8.972 0 0 1 6.362 2.634A8 8 0 0 0 12 4m0 1a4 4 0 1 1 0 8a4 4 0 0 1 0-8m0 2a2 2 0 1 0 0 4a2 2 0 0 0 0-4" />

Register this icon with ComponentManager.

// src/plugin/controllers/custom-menu.controller.ts
private _registerComponents(): void {
  this.disposeWithMe(this._componentManager.register("ButtonIcon", ButtonIcon));

4. Menu Item Internationalization

If your menu item needs internationalization, you need to add internationalization resources in advance.

// src/plugin/locale/zh-CN.ts
export default {
  customMenu: {
    button: '按钮',
    singleButton: '单个按钮',
// src/plugin/locale/en-US.ts
export default {
  customMenu: {
    button: 'Button',
    singleButton: 'Single button',

Register this internationalized resource to ILocaleService

// src/plugin/plugin.ts
export class UniverSheetsCustomMenuPlugin extends Plugin {
  static override type = UniverInstanceType.UNIVER_SHEET;
  static override pluginName = SHEET_CUSTOM_MENU_PLUGIN;
    @Inject(Injector) protected readonly _injector: Injector,
    @Inject(LocaleService) private readonly _localeService: LocaleService
  ) {

5. Menu Item Configuration

Define a menu item configuration factory function that returns a menu item configuration object.

export function CustomMenuItemSingleButtonFactory(): IMenuButtonItem<string> {
  return {
    // Bind the command id, clicking the button will trigger this command
    id: SingleButtonOperation.id,
    // The type of the menu item, in this case, it is a button
    type: MenuItemType.BUTTON,
    // The icon of the button, which needs to be registered in ComponentManager
    icon: 'ButtonIcon',
    // The tooltip of the button. Prioritize matching internationalization. If no match is found, the original string will be displayed
    tooltip: 'customMenu.singleButton',
    // The title of the button. Prioritize matching internationalization. If no match is found, the original string will be displayed
    title: 'customMenu.button',

Construct these menu items into a Schema and merge them into the menu through IMenuManagerService.

// src/plugin/controllers/custom-menu.controller.ts
private _initMenus(): void {
    [RibbonStartGroup.OTHERS]: {
      [SingleButtonOperation.id]: {
        order: 0,
        menuItemFactory: CustomMenuItemSingleButtonFactory,
    [ContextMenuPosition.MAIN_AREA]: {
      [ContextMenuGroup.OTHERS]: {
        [SingleButtonOperation.id]: {
          order: 0,
          menuItemFactory: CustomMenuItemSingleButtonFactory,

6. Dropdown List

In addition to adding a single button menu item, you can also add a dropdown menu item. The specific implementation is similar, except for the difference in constructing the menu item configuration:

  • Replace menu item configuration return type IMenuButtonItem<string> with IMenuSelectorItem<string>
  • Replace menu item type MenuItemType.BUTTON with MenuItemType.SUBITEMS
  • The main button of the dropdown list needs to customize an id, which is used as the unique identifier of the dropdown list and is used to associate the sub-menu items of the dropdown list. The positions of the sub-menu items need to be filled in with the id of the main button.
// src/plugin/controllers/menu/dropdown-list.menu.ts
const CUSTOM_MENU_DROPDOWN_LIST_OPERATION_ID = 'custom-menu.operation.dropdown-list';
export function CustomMenuItemDropdownListMainButtonFactory(): IMenuSelectorItem<string> {
  return {
    type: MenuItemType.SUBITEMS,
    icon: 'MainButtonIcon',
    tooltip: 'customMenu.dropdownList',
    title: 'customMenu.dropdown',
export function CustomMenuItemDropdownListFirstItemFactory(): IMenuButtonItem<string> {
  return {
    id: DropdownListFirstItemOperation.id,
    type: MenuItemType.BUTTON,
    title: 'customMenu.itemOne',
    icon: 'ItemIcon',

Then construct these menu items into a Schema and merge them into the menu through IMenuManagerService.

// src/plugin/controllers/custom-menu.controller.ts
private _initMenus(): void {
    [ContextMenuPosition.MAIN_AREA]: {
      [ContextMenuGroup.OTHERS]: {
          order: 0,
          menuItemFactory: CustomMenuItemDropdownListMainButtonFactory,
          [DropdownListFirstItemOperation.id]: {
            order: 0,
            menuItemFactory: CustomMenuItemDropdownListFirstItemFactory,

For more details, please refer to the Custom Menu Playground.

Overriding Built-in Business Components

Some business components in Univer can be overridden, such as the right-click menu panel, pop-up windows, icons, etc. These components are registered internally in Univer through ComponentManager, and you can override the default components by registering components with the same name.

@OnLifecycle(LifecycleStages.Steady, CustomMenuController)
export class CustomMenuController extends Disposable {
+   @Inject(ComponentManager) private readonly _componentManager: ComponentManager,
  ) {
    // Replace the default BoldSingle icon
+   this._componentManager.register('BoldSingle', YourBoldIconComponent);

Customizing Menu Items (Hiding Menu Items)

Customizing or hiding menu items in Univer is a common requirement. We provide configuration options for all plugins that contain menu items. As long as you know the command ID of the menu item, you can easily achieve this requirement through configuration options.

For example, hiding the bold menu item:

import { UniverSheetsUIPlugin, SetRangeBoldCommand } from '@univerjs/sheets-ui';
univer.registerPlugin(UniverSheetsUIPlugin, {
  menu: {
    [SetRangeBoldCommand.id]: {
      hidden: true,

To learn how to find the command ID, please refer to the tutorial How To Find The Command ID.

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